C. F. Meyer Design

I have been fascinated with material, process, and fabrication since I was very young. Here you will find both a variety of works, explanations about the processes I use, galleries of current, past and future works, as well as works for sale.

My creative process of design flows from exploration of form and line.

First a drawing

All of my work, whether art or design, starts on paper. The images usually come from exploration of form and line and negative/positive space. often the drawings of my figurative and my abstract art inform and inspire the designs for my interiors work.

Then a maquette

I will be drawn to a design idea for the next work or series, and the choice of whether to fabricate or cast the design will be made. The next step is to create a moc-up and/or a maquette, and the choice of which is about what needs will it meet, what questions does this portion need to answer.

Then to prototype

Usually most of the questions of process and scale will be answered between the drawings and the maquette. So then the first unit is built to see it at scale, and to place it within a world of other objects and textures to understand its place in the interiors landscape.


All of the furniture pieces are custom made to order works. From start to finish, depending on its size, each piece can take from eight to twelve weeks to create.


Stained Glass

Cast Glass